The level of the skill determines its potency. A skill grants an ability or buff to a character or a party. This character has 2 skill points available. Other mods have a lot more ways of increasing party size: - bonuses for being a lord, a marshal or a king.The 'Skills' section of the Character screen. After every game I play I export my character and then import her into another world it starts everything over except your person you keep renown and your skills and equipment and troops. Last edited by CoolPeaceMaker 24 Feb, am. Don't know if this is a modded thing or not, but you might be able to export your character, find the. How is that so and can i by any chance increase my party size more than that? Universal Conquest Wiki.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Wages are primarily based on your troops' level, as well as several other calculations and discounts based on your leadership skill. If you don't have enough money to pay your troops' wages, your party will lose morale, and you will incur a debt. Wages will be paid to your troops every hours, which is seven days. Viking Conquest applies the same NPC party bonus rule to the player, in addition to your companion's leadership skill. Other randomly generated AI parties, such as bandits, are selected from a specific range.

The player's maximum party size is calculated differently than NPCs. Party size is affected by your renowncharismaand leadership skill. Party size represents how many troops you can take with you. Morale of nation-based troops is also greatly negatively affected if you are waging a war against their home nation.Īlso, fighting more than 1 or 2 times a day will lower morale.

You can lose morale from starvation, losing battles, and failing quests. You can increase your morale by winning battles or tournaments, having a variety of foodcompleting quests, razing villages and raising your leadership skill. Morale influences your moving speed and when it becomes low your troops will start deserting. It is important to level up your Persuasion so you can handle inner party disputes, as not all heroes will like each other. There are sixteen heroes in the game you can hire from taverns. Heroes are important because they cannot die in battle they just get wounded. Note the weekly cost, morale display, party composition, prisoners and hero abilities.